Sunday, March 6, 2011

the forest.

one foot timidly ventures forward
and it seems ages before the other catches up
heavy are her steps
though she knows not the reason why...

all around, large, overgrown trees stand firm and unforgiving
weeds and thorns hide the path ahead
and she does all she can to keep from stumbling,
though it happens again and again.

wet and sharp are the tears that spill from blue eyes-
persevering through the fight to stay focused on the glimmer of light-
of hope and of peace--
at the edge of this darkened forest.

despite her invitation from Him,
safely tucked away,
a measure of guilt presses down on her shoulders.
can you hear me in this place, my Lord? she cries out,
for i fear i may never find the way out,
or worse yet
that the weight of iniquity will increase beyond what i can bear...

i am not worthy to even be invited to your kindgom
so forgive me, my Lord, for my doubt
my lack of trust in you
for the confidence i place in myself and my own doings
for my worry and anxiety.

i lack knowledge of why you are leading me through this place,
but i will trust You--
help me to trust You,
even when i don't know how.


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