Monday, August 19, 2013


Bidding adieu to a somewhat sticky afternoon, I stood by the window. A welcoming breeze swept through, and I paused. For a moment. Just a short moment. And I looked at the sky, that beautiful, cerulean-kissed peaceful, and I thought. For just a short moment. And a little twinkle, so proud to be the first one out tonight, he winked at me. And I winked back with a smile of contentment. 

There are times my heart feels as though it will never stop growing. That it fights to make room for the loving and tender that so quickly capture its attention. Again, this late August, I welcome in nineteen more spots for loving and tender, and I beg for wisdom. For faithfulness. For words of Truth. 

I am full. Thankful, joyful, peaceful. And I rest now in the arms of One who loves me so very much.