Saturday, March 31, 2012

saturday morning serenade

while the sun was on holiday,
i took a walk.

it was a gorgeous morning
with the mist falling lightly and refreshing the earth
vibrant shades of color have always reflected my thoughts & emotions
and somehow i communicate quite well with them...
there were plump, crimson berries climbing up the hillside
and joyful orange and lavender flowers waking from their wet sleep,
some of the flushing pinks filled with thousands of last night's droplets
a yellow-breasted bird chirped his song to the Lord so freely
(i wanted to join him, but alas, i did not know his melody)
my favorite, though, was the park at which i silently gasped,
taking in the greenness--such beautiful, enchanting, energizing green
i would not tire, i think, to see such beauty every day of my life.

i passed by my friend with the long, spindly arms--
of whom you may remember from several months ago--
and my heart wanted to burst at seeing the sprouting buds
upon his arms
as he, too, is awakening for the spring.
he slept so long in the cold winter
appearing lifeless and dead
yet inside, he was being prepared for this new season.

and so, now,
with a favored coffee mug
and my dear Hebrews
this day begins.


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