Sunday, August 29, 2010

diamonds of wisdom

so many words remain unspoken
some of which will never be
and others whose time has not yet come.
the thoughts that flood my heart tonight
would fill the pages of a novel
and yet
there they will stay
until i discover when and where and how
to communicate them,
and for now, all i can do is show with my hands, my feet
[yet in part, not in full]
and though i try to understand it all,
i cannot.
why my soul is bursting at the seams
why sleep flees from me in the dark hours
why the battle between the truth and emotions rages on.

my desire is to please Him who gives me breath each morning
but how does life fit into this?
how do i counsel the girl with a broken heart and pleading eyes?
how do i laugh with him and yet guard my heart?
how do i train her young mind to forsake the pleasures of the world?
what do i say to her whom i admire but who is struggling?
and how do i know which path to walk in quiet submission and trust?

oh how i crave wisdom!
i desire not beauty and knowledge and fame,
but a discerning heart
to know how to wrestle with these things
and to walk out of the fire chiseled and shaped
into a reflective diamond
letting the brilliance of His touch
bring rainbows on the wall,
outshining all else.


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